The dividends

Since its foundation in 1990 BNA has ended each financial year with a profit. These profits combined with good cash flows and excellent liquidity were the cornerstones of stable dividend payments to our shareholders, whereby at least 50 % of the profit earned was always passed on directly to the shareholders. The remaining part was invested by us in our growth and the strengthening of the equity base.

In the 2022 financial year, BNA generated an annual surplus of € 1,685.3 thousand. Earnings per share were € 2.61. The Annual General Meeting on March 24, 2023 decided to distribute a dividend of € 1.93 per A share and € 1.98 per B share from this profit and to transfer the remaining amount to the other revenue reserves.

Profits and dividends since 2000

  • Profit per share €
  • Dividend per share in €

* Dividend per ordinary share, including a one-time special dividend of € 2.26 / share, preference shares plus 5 ct.
** To ensure liquidity during the corona pandemic, no dividend was paid out.

Share split 2016 at a ratio of 1: 6, the values before 2016 have been adjusted to the split. From 2016 dividend per ordinary share, preference shares plus 5 ct.